Today we have a reason to celebrate as the new EP from Wygnani is released, so you can get a taste of their heavy music before the CD will be available.

Find below the full interview and all tracks that was produced by Hit The Road Music Studio, including additional information.

Wygnani Album CoverThis versions are still in progress and changed during the time as it was also a new process for me, where I learned much more about mixing and mastering, especially on my mistakes for the future.  Wygnani band sitting

Wygnani is a young Band from Krakow/Poland where the metal scene is constantly rising and shining with new artists.


Their melodic, heavy riffs, critical lyrics and punchy and creative rhythm section is their trademark and you will get the full meat on their live gig’s.

This is their first EP and Hit The Road Studio liked their tracks – as well as the band as individuals – so I decided to make the full production for free.


Whats up guys, thanks for taking your time and answer the questions that everybody have, questions which don’t let us sleep as long as they are unanswered!

         So let’s go straight to number one, where the Band name “Wygnani” comes from?

(Marcin): Well, “Wygnani” in Polish means “Expelled” in plural form. The idea of naming our band this way has a pretty interesting story. When I started the band, I wanted our music to be personal and melancholic, so I thought our name should be like this as well. Why melancholic? I consider myself emotionally sensitive, and back in the day, when I went to primary school, noboty liked me. I was “expelled” from the society.

       Please introduce the Band members, how long you play and the top 3 musician influence for each one

Marcin (18): Officially I’ve been playing the guitar since 5 years, but I wanted to play ever since I can remember. My dad played guitar and I really loved listening to him jamming. My biggest influences are Zakk Wylde, Daron Malakian, Dave Mustaine and Tomasz Lipnicki

Micha? (17): Funk Bass Player for 3 years. My inspirations are mainly Flea, Cliff Burton and Davie504

My name Bud (17) KRAY-z motherfuqer from da podgórze quarter. Inspired by Peter Huss from shining, Muddy Waters and Dimebag Darrell all day every day

Miko?aj (18): Inspired by Travis Barker Casey Cooper and maybe Mike Portno

      What genre of music do you play and which bands are your top 3 major musical influences?

It’s hard to say what exact genre we play. Basically it’s metal, that’s all that matters. We’re influenced by Illusion, System Of A Down and Paradise Lost.

      How long have you known each other, what was the trigger to start a Band?

(Marcin):Me, Bud and Miko?aj have known each other for almost three years. We played in a shitty hardcore punk band with awfully childish lyrics. We were called Dyskryminacja. We broke up because of a fight of our former bassist and I. Then we joined our own projects. Meanwhile we had an argument with Bud. Soon me and Miko?aj came up with an idea of forming a band. We found a bassist – Micha?. We were playing as a trio for a few months until we reconcilled with Bud who joined us after a while. That’s how it started.

     What can you tell me about your instruments?

We use instruments we have. The only things we’re open on are amps, because we don’t have any cool amps.

    Where have you performed? Do you have any upcoming shows?

By now, we performed in local pubs. We play concerts regularly, so yeah, we do have upcoming shows, check our Facebook page for more information.

     How many songs do you have written? Do you ever play any covers?

We don’t know how much songs do we have. Teen for sure. No matter the quantity. The quality does… and yes, we do play covers. During our last show we played “Na luzie” by Illusion.

    Do you ever plan to write songs in English, or will it be Polish only?

It’s hard to say if it’s going to change. Our songs are in Polish because we think people should know each language good enough to write songs which don’t sound like most of modern pop trash, but Bud is a native English speaker so who knows…

   Let us know about the songwriting process in your Band, from beginning to the end.
  Does it start with a crunchy riff, heavy drum fill, melodic line/lyrics from the singer and you create the music around it?

Very differently each time. Most of our songs came up with lyrics and guitar riffs first, but that’s not a rule for us to do it that way only

   What was your impression of the recording process at “Hit the Road Music Studio”? You had a good time?
   Are you satisfied with the communication and the result?

We had a lot of fun, we were frustrated, we laughed, shed a couple tears but ended up satisfied. For sure we were excited, as this was the first recording session with this band. Wygnani is very different compared to other bands we were/are in, so we were curious, how will it work.

    Tell us more about your first 4 Track EP “Jakie to uczucie by? morderc?”?
    (How does it feel to be a murderer?), which are the strongest songs in your opinion, what makes this EP so special, where the      title comes from?

(BUD): For us recording a fucker like this is huge milestone! My favorite songs on this album are “Serdecznie Jeba?” and “XXI”, the just give you the most punch in the face and kick in the ass! The EP is special beacause we recorded it just the right way: perfect band chemistry, great fucking producer (who’s a good friend at the same time) and some beer and whisky to fire this up! The title comes from one the lines in our song “G?upota”.One of us just came up with the name and it stuck, so here we go!

   Tell us the story behind your tracks, what story they tell, what message they provide.
   What makes the specific song so special and what is the strongest element in each track?
   Btw, my personal favorite is XXI, kick ass track with many elements and lot of dynamics!


Ku Piek?u:

(BUD): Well, we were sitting with Marcin and you at your flat recording extra guitars and vocals, and i just showed you guys this melody i came up with, and since Marcin thought it was cool and we had some time left, we said “fuck it! Let’s put it on the EP”. And we recorded it. And now it’s just there.


Nie Zas?ugujesz:

(BUD): Marcins’s friend landed in the hospital, and he felt bad for him, so he came up with this collage of grunge and punk. I really like the way it utilises the loud/quiet/loud type of structure which was popular in the 90’s. And of course, the Holy Grail of this song is Micha?’s bass solo. Kicks ass hard!



Serdecznie Jeba?:

(BUD): My favorite song, probably because of my major contributions to writing it. What i like about this beefy fucker is the way it merges a little Type O Negative, a little Pantera and some of our signature beats and slaps. The lyrics are about pressure and all the other shit that we have to put up with these days. The solo exchange really stands the test of time as for something that surfaced within five minutes!



Obj?cia Ciernia:

(BUD): As far as i know, this was written by Marcin in the summer of 2017 when he was ill, hence the melancholic and somewhat even depressive lyrics. So far it’s the people’s favorite, so we play it at gigs quite alot! Also good to say before takin’ a shot or gulpin a cold one!




(BUD): This track is what really makes me think hard about what’s my favorite song! This firecracker consists of everything i like: a little melody in the chorus, Marcin’s amaizing solo, a breakdown with some nasty, ballsy riffs throughout! Crazy shit. Probably should get some ink with this one!


   What’s the future direction for your Band?
   Are you seeking fame, fortune, glory and ultimate power over the Metal world and Universe?

(BUD):Personally have no clue what will happen over the next year or two, but Marcin and I thought alot about something heavier and brutal. Just concepts though, no actual songs. As far as the “metal world” goes, i couldn’t give less of a shit about it, I’d be satisfied just being able to tour Poland! Of course world tours would be nice, but it’s not time for that yet. For advice, i will just say: “No fucking rules, don’t be what others want you to be, and stick to your guns. It’s the only way to survive here!”. Also, I’d like to thank Marcin, Miko?aj and Micha? for this crazy ride that this band is, many cheers and thanks go out to Hit The Road Studio. Other credits go out to Grant’s, beer, red Marlboro’s, and this fishnet wearing redhead chick, seriously.

Thanks for your time guys, it was a pleasure to work together guys, had a great time and I love the result,
 it’s a heavy, punchy “in our face” record and I hope, it will help you for your future to play the best bar’s with the best Bands!

Thanks to you too mate, this couldn’t have been more fun. We know were to turn if we want some seriously heavy shit mixed/ mastered! Cheers!