Welcome, witajcie, willkomen, ????, Hooahn Ying, Shalam, Ho?geldiniz, Bienvenue, ????? ???????, ???? ?????, Bienvenido

My name is Adrian, I’m a full heart musician since 18 years, sound engineer and traveler, currently living in Krakow Poland and I’m more than excited to meet you !!!

Colorful World Logo of Hit The Road Music Studio

Let me explain the Idea behind “Hit The Road Music Studio”:

After one year on the Road travel through Europe in our Opel Astra and different different Job’s like Olive picking in Greece, working in Hostels in Albania/Kosovo, helping in a Rock climbing camp in Turkey, fixing cables in Bulgaria and play street music in Berlin and Georgia (And actually everywhere), me and my girlfriend decided to move to Poland – Krakow.

I opened the Punk Rock’n’Roll Band Swinging Beach Ball of Death and had several gig’s around Poland and Germany

While I needed a job to live in Poland, the hunger for music never stopped and after 2 years I woke up at night and had this wonderful idea:

I want to travel, I want to make music, I want to have a job that makes sense and connect people … Let’s make a Recording Mobile and share the music.

The idea: Creating a Van with great sound isolation inside and equipment, travel around and find street artists that want to record 2 – 3 Song’s in the Van.

Now: Every artist will get as well an Interview, Photos and leave his contact information so people can book them, contact them, write them, be part of the process.

Everybody will be collected on one webpage www.hit-the-road-music.com and you, dear user and music lover, will be able to listen artist all around Europe/The world from one page, one global radio of creative people and unheard artists from the street.

I started now with the first Band – Wygnani from Krakow – and work hard on the realization for my plans, that will take around 1 year from now, July 2019 hopefully.

Of course I offer also solid Recording Sessions:

You can book me or send me your tracks for mixing/mastering

I can help you to Record and edit your podcast

Assist you with the full production from a Song

My friends are great composer who are able to write you great songs

I can record guitar’s for your tracks

Every Band I record will be a personal process where I visit you at your rehearsal, discuss the songs you are play and I check if you are ready to record to safe some $$$ and trouble in the studio.

Also I guide you through the whole recording process and show you the tools and mic’s that will be used, how they will be used and some examples that I already recorded.

This way I can guarantee a great time what have a great impact on your record and a personal sound.

Contact me if you have any questions, want to join, or just leave a comment, drop a mail or add me on Facebook Ady Non Serviam

I’m excited and looking forward to get this thing rollin’ with you, this is our creative revolution, join me on this journey !


Peace In – Peace Out,

Ady the Soundguy